The Encyclopedia of Geosciences is a compilation of review articles published in the EGU journals on geoscientific topics. These review articles are accessible via a particular journal front end, either via a content list or via keywords. In order to ensure high quality, the articles in the Encyclopedia of Geosciences will undergo the usual reviewing and acceptance process in their partner journals whose evaluation criteria fully apply. However, the evaluation criteria need some re-interpretation:
A review article obviously will not represent a substantial contribution to scientific progress within the scope of the respective journal (substantial new concepts, ideas, methods, or data). If the articles of the Encyclopedia of Geosciences are solicited or an agreement on their scope has been made between authors, executive editors of the partner journal, and the editors of the Encyclopedia, it is not considered very helpful if reviewers rate an article as scientifically insignificant because they consider the topic as such insignificant. We suggest to rate a review article intended to be published in the Encyclopedia of Geosciences as scientifically significant
In addition to the criteria given by the partner journal we suggest to rate the scientific quality of a review article intended to be published in the Encyclopedia of Geosciences also according to the following criteria:
Regarding the presentation quality, the usual criteria of the partner journal apply. The authors should be encouraged to use the notation used in the existing articles of the Encyclopedia of Geosciences.
The following checklist (applicable in addition to the regular criteria listed on the partner journal's website) might be helpful: